We performed, and still perform, statistical analyses of biomedical data, in silico models of microcirculation, cell growth, matter exchange across biological barriers, heating of cells and nanoparticles with ultrasound or EM waves, disease diagnosis and prognosis, experimental design,  behavioral data collection, simulation of
electromagnetic field near the cerebral cortex during different activities​


CNS exchange models, compartmental models for the study of iron passage through brain barriers

​​Application of clustering and classification algorithms for the study of novel biomarkers in Alzheimer's disease (iron speciation
neurophysiological measures of connectivity)

Construction of a dummy for the calibration of quantitative iron analysis with new MRI methods


Hemodinamic Models of the Coronary Circuit (G. Losano- N. Westerhof-T. Pedley)​

Hemodinamic Models of the fetoplacental Circulation(Todros, Gaglioti, Waters, Piantà)
WWS 2017 Project (Mirbod)

Theoretical models of Cell Population Growth - applications to cancer (Delsanto, Castorina, Deisboeck)
WWS 2009 Project (Kostiukovic)

Models in oncological hyperthermia (Gabriele)

Sleep phase Modelling (Mauro, Priano, Saccomandi)​

Prostate cancer models
Data collection EUREKA1-2 (Gabriele)
Progetto CHIC (7FP, grant agreement 600841, Stura, Stamatakos e altri partner)
Predicting prostate cancer recurrence: mathematical models based on PSA monitoring and pathological findings (Tesi Ph.D., Stura)
Computational Horizons in Cancer: Modeling perspectives on a wide clinical cohort of Prostate Cancer patients treated by Radical Prostatectomy or Radiation Therapy (Tesi Ph.D., Gabriele)

Drafting RCT protocols, interim and end-of-study analyses (Migliaretti, Porpiglia)

Predictive methods on neurosurgical outcome in tumors in eloquent areas (Spena)

Iron Deposition in Brain: Does Aging Matter? (Stura)

Investigating the role of iron in brain diseases: computational models for new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches (Tesi Ph.D., Ficiarà)